Published in the Anderson Daily Bulletin
The following were published January 9, 1897
Husband Dies From Paralysis and His Wife Falls Dead at His Bedside.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan 8, --James Skirvin, was stricken with paralysis, soon dying. His wife, who was waiting upon him and bemoaning her fate, suddenly threw up her hands and fell dead with heart disease. Both were well known people, living six miles east of this city. The family consisted of eight children.
Smoked Her Pipe in Bed.
MUNCIE, Ind., Jan 9.--"Grandma" Mary Moore, 80 years old, thought she would smoke her pipe in bed. The bed clothes caught fire, and she was fatally burned.
The following were published January 11,1897
The funeral of George Tegge, formerly of this city took place today from the church of the Holy Cross, of which he was a member at Milldale, Ky. The death occured at Buena Vista, Ky.
Mrs. Mettie Hoorebeke died at the home of her husband, four miles south of Anderson on the Huntsville pike, at 8 o'clock this morning. the funeral will occur at St. Mary's church in Anderson at 9 o'clock Monday forenoon. The family moved to Madison County from Bay City, Mich. about two years ago.
The following was published January 9, 1897
Prayer Was of No Avail.
MIDDLESBURG, Ind., Jan 9--David Glick, living near here, is dead at 59, Mrs. Glick is a believer in Christian science and during her husband's illness forbid giving him medicine. Prayers were recited for his recovery but he continued to grow worse and died after much suffering.
The Following Were Published January 11, 1897

Patrick Connelly died at the annex to St. John's hospital at 3 o'clock this morning. The remains were taken to LaPorte at 12:40 this afternoon, where the funeral will occur. Mr Connelly was a brother of Sister Isabella at the hospital and had been an invalid for many years.
The funeral of Mrs. Tracy Herrick will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence at 79 West First street. The deceased was born at Dulem, Germany, April 9, 1833 and moved to America with her family in June, 1878. she leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. She had been a patient sufferer many years with asthma and dropsy.
The following were published January 9, 1897
Jones Will Hang.
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Jan. 8--The jury in the case of Henry Jones, the colored convict on trial for murdering a fellow convict, brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree with the death penalty. The day of the execution is yet to be fixed.
Crushed by a Derrick.
JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind., Jan 8, A derrick fell at Speed's mill and Barney O'Neal, Walter Lewellyn, George Jenkins, Anthoney Regan, Asa Broady and John Robinson were seriously hurt, Regan fatally.
Hi Betty. I want thank you for chossing me to participate. I don't think I can do it though. I couldn't find the post. Thank you again friend!